Sunday, October 21, 2007

APA Citations

APA citations:

Hannafin,R. & McDonald, K. (2003). Using web-based computer games to meet demands of today's high stakes testing: A mixed method inquiry. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 35(4), 459-472

This article is about incorporating the use of web-based computer games to enhance instruction.

Hiemstra, R. & Poley, J.(2007). Lessons pertinent for teaching with computers. The Clearing House,80(3),144-148

This article is about the use of the Internet as a support for daily educational activities.

It describes various ways that students interact with the use of the Internet.

Richardson, J.(2006). Investigating the relationship between variations in students' perceptions of their academic environment and variations in study behavior in distance education. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 867-893

This article is about to identifying clear associations between variations in students perceptions of their academic environment and variations to their study behavior as it pertains to higher learning.

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