Sunday, November 11, 2007

Assignment # 10: Method Section

Dr. Brian Newberry, an instructor in the Instructional Technology Department at California State University San Bernardino has assigned a research study for his 543 class. The research study is on investigating new media in online learning.
Subjects for this study were recruited by members of the 543 class. Each student in class was required to recruit at least five volunteers to participate. The method of recruitment was each student’s own choice. I personally recruited volunteers by asking family members and colleagues through face-to-face contact and via telephone. I originally thought I would send out an email to my colleagues but then felt that because I was currently off track it would be easier to communicate via phone (not all of my colleagues are very comfortable using email and do not check it regularly). The volunteers were told that the survey related to online learning and would take less than 15 minutes, and that it was completely anonymous.
After completing and reviewing several literature review articles, the students in the ETEC 543 class were ask to submit several possible research questions. After a thorough review, Dr. Newberry narrowed down the list of questions to a final three:
1) Is there a relationship between the amount of portable media (podcasts) a student consumes and their desire for portable media use in online learning?
2) What level of involvement in planning, organizing, and making media choices do adult learners desire?
3) Is the use of collaboration to comment on other students’ work viewed as beneficial by online students?
The online survey consisted of questions that volunteers answered using a 1 to 5 scale with 5 rating the highest. The volunteers each received a URL address to access the survey via the internet. This survey was completely anonymous and allowed for a significant amount of participation.


Maria C. Pallares said...

Hi Michele

I enjoyed reading your assignment. You have a nice writing skill of blending. I could easily follow along each point of information. Nice transitions.

Bruce Rhodewalt said...


Wise decision to go with phone and FTF. That requires planning, since you can't do it very well at 11:30 p.m. (right before the deadline, which is what happens when you don't plan -- or so I've heard).


Carla Felix said...

Hello Michelle,

Do you think that’s its better to recruit by phone and face-to-face. I send all my request by email and receive a response when they finished. My coworker who sits next to me, emailed me when she completed the survey instead of telling me, I think that's funny.


Unknown said...

I enjoyed your description of the methodologies. I found Carl's comment about the e-mail form a colleagues interesting. I find that I sometimes do the same thing. It depends on the effort and type of response needed. Sometimes I just have a little tidbit of information to share and a verbal comment may lead to a conversation that might get me off track. I do enjoy conversation with others including my coworkers but sometimes it can be distracting.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your description of the methodologies. I found Carl's comment about the e-mail form a colleagues interesting. I find that I sometimes do the same thing. It depends on the effort and type of response needed. Sometimes I just have a little tidbit of information to share and a verbal comment may lead to a conversation that might get me off track. I do enjoy conversation with others including my coworkers but sometimes it can be distracting.

Jason Buchanan

James said...


I like your description of the methods that were applied to this project. Your details regarding the selection of the participants is very good. Perhaps, a little more detail could also be applied in the area of the selection process and narrowing down of the research questions. I think that would help to explain the method that was used to narrow the research questions down to the three that were selected.
Just a thought, otherwise, very well written.
